Did you know...

...the sperm and egg you have today started being made 2-3 months ago?

How has your health been in the last few months? This past year? How's your partner's health? It's important that BOTH partners are as healthy as they can be!

90 Days for 1 cycle of egg development / 74 Days for 1 cycle of sperm development

365 Days = 4-5 cycles of cell growth, development, and resets

Planning and preparing your bodies for this journey should start one year before your actual, “we’re working on conceiving” happens. This means balancing your bodies and nervous sysems, starting a very good prenatal vitamin routine (not all vitamins are equal!), and creating or maintaining exercise routines one year before you actually plan to try for conception.

At Mulhall Family Chiropractic, we help Mom's and Dad’s-to-be, discover all the ways to be as healthy as possible physically, mentally, and emotionally. We work with you so you have the proper chiropractic care for you, as well as nutritional and exercise advice.

Ways to Prepare Your Bodies

It can look like many things!

Planning and Timing

Give your bodies time to heal, grow, and make healthy cells! 3- 6 months may not be enough


How are everyone's diets? Do you know the quality of your supplements? Ask us how to check!

Chiropractic Care

Making sure you have optimal Brain-Body connection and a balanced pelvis

Correcting problems before they interfere!

The best way to start off your journey is being well-prepared and clear of pre-existing challenges

Many practice members have told us when they were pregnant and having major symptoms, that they knew about a pre-existing injury/symptom before they conceived. It only became intolerable during their pregnancy. Others, who decided to find out if they had any imbalances and get them corrected before conceiving, had a much easier time getting and staying pregnant.